Bigfoot Gun Belts

Jan. 7, 2016

Bigfoot Gun Belts are built to support the heaviest holstered handguns known to man. Their double layered English Bridle leather with spring steel core will deliver an unrivaled amount of stability to the open and concealed carrier, while preventing the gun belt from sagging under the weight of a full-sized firearm. Everyday carriers are opting for a Bigfoot Gun Belt over the standard belt for several reasons: Improved stability, core strength, and zero bend degradation. “Conventional belts generally lack the rigidity necessary to prevent your holstered pistol or revolver from sagging down or twisting during carry, which could compromise not only its concealability but its accessibility for a rapid, lifesaving draw,” said Rich Simpson in a recent Times-News review on Bigfoot Leather Gun Belts are available in 14-ounce leather, 14-ounce leather with spring steel core, and 18-ounce leather with spring steel core. For full-sized firearms, we recommend the 18-ounce option. This thickness will provide you with ample stability.

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